Tuesday, November 10, 2009


" You shall know them by the love they have for one another"

The clinics continue to be the hub of activity in the communities we serve. Our committed staff, demonstrates Christ love to each patient that comes.

Before their day begins, they travel one hour over bumpy roads ,that only allows you to drive around 15 -20 miles per hour. If the roads were good they could make it to the clinics lin ess than 20 minutes. When they get to the clinic they sing songs, share from the bible and then close in prayer. The Pastor goes out to the waiting area ,shares the Gospel and then leads the patients in prayer and closes with a hymn.

This is a blessing to witness.

Today, I helped with injections, visited with some of the elderly and spent time holding babies. At the end of the day, I drove the truck home and dropped the staff off along the way.

Tomorrow, we will have a staff meeting to discuss some of the needs, ideas to serve the people better, pray and eat.

It is a privilge to serve along side of my brothers and sisters in Christ.

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