Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Mission Trip 2007

Mission Trip
Hi Everyone, It has been some time now since I've blogged. On February 26 Myself and a team of 9 went to Haiti. We had an awesome 2 weeks. We were involved in medical clinics in a small village called Douvre and another called Terrier Rouge. We saw some pretty intense cases. We saw one little girl that we were quite sure had menigitis. A young woman who had the worse case of mastitis I have ever seen, Her baby was 14 days old and very weak. Another nurse that went with us spent over 2 hours working with the Mom and her baby. We saw a older man that could not swallow, we think he had cancer. The team did so good especially the younger girls. They stayed very strong through out the day . There were 2 little boys I saw one day that were so weak I 'm not sure if they will make it. They had lost their Mom a year ago to TB. These boys were so thin they probably had HIV or Tb, they were so thin and had very high fevers. Thank God we had a Haitian Doctor come on board with us the very first day. We also had a pastor with us that did spiritual counseling each day. We would have prayer with the patients. They were appreciative of that. Besides medical missions, we had work projects that invovled putting a roof on a school and a gutter system on one of the clinics in Lasoudrey to collect water when it rains. We sponsored a Pastors conference at the Christophe Hotel, 32 pastors registered. They were very receptive to the information given to them and participated in the Q & A sessions as well. There was a consensus to do more of these conferences and would like one for their wives. We also had fun doing a youth rally in Terrier Rouge. The team I took represented 5 other churches and many of the team left their hearts in Haiti and want to return. So.. We have a trip planned for next year already. Will start preparing for this as soon as we can. I will share more with you later and post pictures. God surely protected and provided for us during those 2 weeks. I wasn't ready to come home, but of course is necessary to raise more funds.

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