Wednesday, July 01, 2009


2 Timothy 1: 7-9

June/July 2009

We have been given a Spirit not of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind. Do not be ashamed.

We continue to thank God for our work in Haiti. I will never get use to the fact he has chosen me to participate in His plans. His hand leads us and directs us to places we could never imagined in our own planning. Each trip is so special and God is visible through out. I am still excited when I come, but always anticipating the unknown, a healthy fear. In Haiti , I cannot depend on my own strength like we do back home. Back home I think all of us at times have a false sense of security, putting our trust in people and things. These past few weeks God has arranged many ways of appearing in just the right times. His goodness and faithfullness was evident, for example, bringing the right people at the right place and time when our car broke down, providing work for Gabrielle in the orphanage.

Another example, I have been wanting to meet Dr. Embury who has been an intricate part of Haitian Ministries over the years. Luke and I have talked about flying out to Nebraska to meet him, we didn't know when or how. Well, God has been arranging a perfect meeting. The doctor is planning a trip to Maine this summer and hopefully Luke and I will give him a " Taste Of Maine" . It will be a great time of fellowship.

Our daughter Gabrielle joined me this summer. It is always a blessing to have her with me. She had an opportunity to work at our friends orphanage, teaching english, bible devos, building friendships with the young girls and teaching guitar to the boys. She experienced riding in a local "tap tap" ( a taxi to us, picture a taxi that is a small truck with about 15 people in it) also. Gabrielle stated often throughout our time here how amazed she was at the Lord's working. She thouroughly enjoyed her time with the kids and Cheron.
The rest of the week we went out to the clinics to see the staff. We prayed together,sung praises and shared needs. Gabrielle took pictures of each staff member to put on our website. This will allow everyone to meet our dedicated staff. We continue to see many children that have respiratory infections, skin rash, fever and diarrhea. Malaria and Typhoid are still be detected from time to time amongst adults also. We also saw many patients struggling with hypertension (240/110!!), diabetes, urinary infections, some respiratory infections and asthma. We have a wonderful nurse that works with the pregnant women. The have started a program where every friday the pregnant women will come and learn about how to take care of themselves through out their pregnancy. After the classes, they will receive a small gift. The staff are also give our layetttes to the moms and their new babies. We have a couple of churches and individuals that help wth this project.

Our other nurse takes care of the immunizations, nutrition and post natal issues. Something else that is available to the community is food, we have a food depot and are responsible for its distribution. Our staff works closely with the community health leaders, they have meetings to review the overall health issues that they have encountered in the clinic and through their home visits.

I was invited to work with a ministry called Eternal Hope for Haiti. They go into the rural areas and administer medical care, it was great. I worked along side three nurse practioners. We saw some very sick children and adults. One little girl was a month old and had a clef palette and clef lip, she was wasting away. One of the missionaries will try and get her connected with an organization in Hinche that performs surgery on this problem. This organization has been working in Haiti for the last 25 years.

The last week we hosted a team from Maine and Massachusetts. Two pastors were part of the team. They spent the week observing different ministires. They spent time with Pastor Saintil and Pastor Julio. There eyes were opened and God allowed them to see Haiti in a different light. It was so good having them here. Each morning and night we would share from Gods word and reflect on the day. I suspect it won't be the last time in Haiti for any of them.

Today, Gabrielle said good by to her friends at the orphange. In the afternoon, we had visitors from other missioanries and their children. They invited Gabby and Valerie to go swimming. Last June Gabrielle taught Valerie how to swim. Today he swam the whole distant of the pool. He was grinning from ear to ear. Those of you who have met Valerie know his beautiful smile.

We have rekindled our friendship with a couple of the street kids. Which is proabably a, but when you see how hungry they are and you find out they are sleeping in a car at 7 or 8 yrs. old, what does peanut butter and bread with water cost. One of the little boys has a real bad infection on his finger. It could easily lead into osteomylitis( bone infection) With the time I have left I will treat him with an antibiotic, ibuprofen and vitamins. At times they are sweet little boys and then other times they get alittle hateful with each other, hitting and punching. I try to encourage the them to be nicer. Gabrielle and I had about 7 days of Creole Lessons. It was very helpful. Lots of practice.

Tomorrow, we sit down with Pastor Saintil and plan the February pastors conference. There has been quite a lot of interest from pastors from the states to help with this. We have about 35 that come regularly. We are praying that we could reach more men. The pastors wives are wanting more teaching as well.

We have joined a network that is for the Cape Haitian region. This has been started by a doctor in Florida that would like to improve on communication amongst the teams coming and going. It allows others to know the projects that are already happening and good work that is being done by others everyday. It will also provide a contact if resources are needed. Dr. Jasmine from the Department of Health of Haiti is encouraging people to work together and partner with exisiting organizations that are already here. Many ministries are struggling and need support to continue their work.

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. An example of one woman that came to
Haiti a few years ago. She was prompted by God to help one of our pastors who was in need of a church. She has committed herself to this each year and does yard sales to raise money to send down. It is wonderful to see the progress each time I come. Another block laid and another wall up. An ordinary woman doing extraordianry things.
Our mission provides medical, spiritual and emotional support to the poor. We do this by
partnering with the nurses, doctors, pastors and committed men that have given their hearts to Jesus. The people that understand their situations and country best.
I hope this gives you a glimpse of life in Haiti. The best way to experience missions is to go.... that is why I encourage you to come and visit.
God wants people to step up and step out and we continue to learn and experience the Spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind, not a Spirit of fear.


2 Timothy

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