Thursday, February 28, 2008


February 2008

The team left for Haiti on February 13th. We originally had 12 going. Due to a family death and illness two dropped out. We had two very busy weeks. We stayed the first week in Cap Haitian. Some of the team went to the clinics to help with the work projects. We are adding a room to the clinic in Labriyere for our immunization program. In Lasoudrey the clinic needed painting. The first week we also had a youth conference at Pastor Saintil's church. Approximately 175 young adults attended. We also had a Pastors conference that was held at the Christophe hotel. At last years conference, the Pastors asked us to invite their wives. We had 45 all together this year and the emphasis was oneness. It was exciting to see the younger pastors responding in such a positive way. They want another one next year. In the afternoon, we split up the husbands and wives and some of the ladies on the team did manicures and pedicures on the ladies. At first they had reservations and then they relaxed and had a great time. Lots of laughter! One special day we went to Asiles (missionaries of the poor). This is an orphanage. We helped bathe the children and then helped feed them. The ladies really enjoyed this time.

The second week we stayed with Pastor Noel and his wife Marie. We held a two day medical clinic in the village of D'Ouvre. The men worked on a project at Pastor Noel's school in Terrier Rouge helping build the floor of a future second story. This school has 1000 students. One night there we asked our sisters to come in and we gave massages, manicures and pedicures. It was a very special evening. Pastor Noel's wife Marie, shared with the team that it was the first time she had felt equal. It was a moving moment for the team many of us cried. It is difficult to hear words and see the pain from one feeling inferior to another.

The team was great and God allowed us to get all the projects done that we had planned on. ( he had planned)
This year we prayed that Gods Will be done. There were many times during the preparation and planning of this trip that darts were being thrown at us but we used Gods shield of protection. We trusted God and praised his name for giving us an opportunity to be used. Psalm 27:13 I would have lost heart , unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Thank you for your prayers,
" your sister in Christ"

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